1:1 Listen to Learn Math Strengths Assessment for K-8th Graders
- This option includes a personal mental math assessment of your child. It is great for students who are strong or struggle with math.
- This is an interview tool used to help you discover how your child reasons numerically.
- This assessment can be held at ElevateU, in the comfort of your own home, or online via Zoom/Google Meet.
- Assessment can take anywhere between 30-60 minutes depending on each individual child. More than one session may be held to complete the assessment based on your child’s needs.
- At the end of the assessment you will be given a report that allows you to see your child’s numerical reasoning strengths and areas for improvement, as well as next steps. This report will be provided within one week of assessment completion. Follow up meeting lasts between 30-60 minutes and can be held at ElevateU, in the comfort of your own home, or online via Zoom/Google Meet.